Saturday, January 29, 2011

Indian Wedding Program Wording

Casany and "Scissorhands" or how demystify Bruguera.

Casany was one of the "blacks" Bruguera used to increase / cheaper / replace IbaƱez production. On its website has posted a PDF the stage that has worked for the editorial and its subsequent work.

There are some anecdotes that allow us to understand the mechanics of Bruguera, and are perfect to negate any hint of idealization of the publisher. As shown, is related to the world of the original, and that it shows the relationship Bruguera of their artists.

The conclusion Casany is not wasted.

"I have a small event for which I had opportunity to witness and it is very significant.
One day, a lady-who later would occupy important positions", it came to the desk Bruguera-Equip , carrying a bag and a large envelope. It was an attractive young woman, tall, blond, straight hair, always dressed with taste and elegance.
He stopped right in front of my desk across the counter. Alli over the empty contents of the envelope. It was a lot of strips and original pages from various authors of the house.
suddenly do not know where, I take huge scissors and started cutting those originals.
He works pieces Enrich Segura, Raf, Conti, Ibanez ... As I did, with the head turned, talking to the people of his section. Did it with the utmost naturalness, as if peeling peas.
Then empty the contents of the bag. It was a lot of original Ibanez ; thirty pages of Don Pedrito who had been on the cover of the magazine Tio Vivo. The above page belonged to a Christmas bonus that Don Pedrito accidentally mated a bottle of champagne into the mouth of a guy and had fluid coming out of his ears. I had copied years ago this vignette, that plane had made me salivate.
I got up and said that little had read that story. He looked at me, smiled and asked me if I wanted the pages. I told him if and gave them to me, the thirties. Then I found out that on previous occasions, my companions had already saved more originals.
If you really had the need to destroy irreplaceable originals to make room in their files-which is incredible, "could well have been done in private. Why before us?
I come to the conclusion that it was a tactic, a maneuver to tame our mind.
We were saying that everything belonged to them and generasemos a Once printed and had no value. I guess the goal was to create a team of automata, skillful in his work, but without illusions, only willing to serve the house. "


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