Saturday, March 26, 2011

How Long Should I Use Ketoconazole


Different political systems have been developed through the ages, many different ways to mediocrity and drowsy the restless spirit of youth itself. In these times of ours, the welfare democracies think that their young people lack any instinct of revolt, arranged in cotton more or less stable or lulled into a substitute for a search for true happiness, which is always contentious. For their part, had dreamed of Arab tyrannies sedate the minds of his young well with amalgam While totalitarian Islam with hatred for Westerners, who are blamed for all the ills of those societies to highlight the goodness and innocence of dictators and kings. And yet, something starts to break down in the spirit of postmodern youth. The need not be uncoupled from the "resurrection" of history or simply being fed to some systems that ignore the real human needs to satisfy the greed and the desire of multinationals and the most powerful pressure groups, have pushed thousands of youth across the Arab world to unite through the brittle social networking sites to bring forth a platform diffuse, but angry and convinced of the need that something, anything, change, and so powerful that it is challenging to dictators, from the coast of Morocco to the Persian Gulf.

This state of (dis) spirit, that fatigue disrupted in constant rebellion and persistent in his end, he begins to not be unique to the Arab space. A few weeks ago, the young Belgian took to the streets of the country to protest the division of it and against a political class which, unable to think beyond their own interests, takes several months without giving a government the country. In Portugal, thousands of young people (seconded by unemployed, housewives, or simply sick people) met in early March, the streets of Lisbon protested against insecurity - "With no precarious freedom," chanted great summary of where we lead the measures to appease the greed of the powerful "against the measures adjustment fall exclusively, throughout Europe, the unemployed, workers, middle classes, families, students, but never on business or on or bankers. Called the two protests on Twitter and Facebook, young people have been known to live up to the circumstances, putting voice to that inner unrest, deep folds that European societies and shakes our principles: the management of the crisis, the systematic violation of rights acquired over decades of civic struggle, opens the door to a new kind of populism that Berlusconni or Marine Le Pen is only heralds or town criers.

But ... What about Spain? Perhaps here, where political and civic consciousness is kidnapped by the parties, where the welfare system has been later and less extensive than in northern Europe, perhaps here they have succeeded without palliative measures numbness of youth? Youth unemployment rates in Spain are closer to those of Tunisia and Egypt that of Germany or Denmark, the English job insecurity or low wages or the real absence of rights of workers should push for some form of rebellion, the terrible education system and lack of prospects for young people should bring about a surfeit, a rage, some demonstration, and yet nothing happens here, here only complains when the bottle is prohibited. What about our youth? What have we done with our youth?

(IDEAL, March 24, 2011)

Friday, March 25, 2011

Cruising Gay Maryland

On a day like today, a quote from Forges is worth a thousand pictures and a thousand words:

Spaniard to come into the world God save you, some things judges have to freeze your heart.
That's it.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Free Shipping Of Barley Flakes

Suddenly he discovers the power that an invention as a blog has to cause harm in people: it might be good to count to ten before writing something. Suddenly he discovers that way can damage an anonymous, covered in cowardice, maintains the fiction be another charge against which some comments: cowardice cowardice and expands only creates evil: lesson learned. Suddenly I find that (apart from deleting a few comments and one entry) do not know what to do or say in this blog before the lesson from someone who'll have to change my opinion.

I received this comment:

" a lot of time ago, as a result of a search for a mine Hjo do not know what a few photos I wanted to see if they were at the network, I warned you in the comment that you told me a misunderstanding. For me was painful and I thought, at the time, even cowardly, but hurt the comments lie if it denied the insinuations, the neologisms that I spent in a display of ingenuity not made me change my perception of people to whom I always refer to as the land they chose to make it mine: here I raised my kids and it would be ungrateful not to love, here I have my friends, few double ones.
I've also asked the author of the blog, which I am interested because, certainly, "and I have my opinions, I have not written after anonymous. But today I ask why the ghost behind my evocais-I know it Cernuda, I'm a pedantic no one is concerned, the reality of me. It's overwhelming to read opinions that obviously do not subscribe on me, people that I have not had a coffee in my life.
No, I've never written in your blog, I look forward to reading your opinions like all the others I find, I would not have to come back to me anonymous caricatured by others, some using proximity and comments reveal that you are acogidospor. Idle
say I do not recognize in this turgid and despicable character retratais few. As regards to you today I loved, hurt, contact you for a coffee and do what I probably should have done long ago, talk, meet and forgive his case. I hope you move tab and in the meantime I think you ought to keep a blog like yours was anonymous grass or insult you do with others. Greetings
Miguel Cidraque "
who is capable of this can not be how I thought it was. Not even know if it's enough to publicly apologize, and I would like all this input is the how to take it: as a public apology as an apology. I wish that right now, the land will swallow me and this blog. The tab is moved, so far, in a blog, you can move. But I fear that is not enough.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Coozie Sayings For Wedding Favor

Original charity auction for Save the Children Japan. Original

Copy and paste the text of an auction. FREE Shipping . Auctions, here. Anybody can join the initiative by donating an original.

"As a collector, do not miss the opportunity to get a page of comic or original artwork of professionals, because, besides, you're helping children affected by the tsunami in Japan.

The full amount of the auction will be donated to Save the Children Japan . Besides, you as a buyer, not pay shipping charges .

Continue your collection of original or initiatory in this wonderful world, with an original and unique you can always look on the wall of your home or office.

From here, to thank all authors, all these artists with great heart that not only donate their works at an affordable price to help Japanese children, but because they also bear the costs of sending their works to buyers.
also acknowledge the assistance of Sugoi Editions, which will pay all management fees and commissions charged eBay and Paypal .

And of course, thanks to you as a buyer. "

(c) Ewa Sonnet & Ines Cudna


seems to justice, it seems reasonable: if I can not pay the mortgage on my apartment, and I see in the street with my children and few things I can take, and if the bank gets the floor to which he put his money, the debt should be repaid, as in the United States or Germany. There is some movement in Catalonia in this regard. Today, Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya, are not my cup of tea, but if they do something reasonable is reasonable to recognize, has inquired about this issue in the Congress of Deputies. Is well that from time to time their Lordships were concerned with what really concerns people.

But the amazement of the West, the universal leader of the world left, the social democratic than the top and bottom and left and right Jaures, Olof Palme, Willy Brandt and Clement Attlee, the great and unforgettable Rodriguez Zapatero has said no, that would jeopardize the English banking system. So, to protect the rights of the defenseless endangers the banking system that our taxes will I have given more than one hundred billion euros because it sank, a banking system that, despite the whining blackmail won last year fifteen billion euros and that, however, do not hesitate to put on the fucking street to desperate families who suffer the scourge of unemployment or that travel by the razor's edge of poverty and exclusion. Then, as expected, has populist arguments-that if people's savings, if the solvency, that if the law, if patatin that if potatoes, and has promised to be a futile parliamentary subcommittee to study the case and who have not reached conclusions will be dissolved when Parliament.

Maybe the only good thing about this crisis, perhaps the only positive of the immense tragedy that thousands are living and thousands of families, thousands and thousands of men, women, elderly, children, we were not sure they all have faces, names, tears, knots in their throats, anger, sadness, has been that has revealed that the talk of ZP, quackery vendor fair, deep hid a terrible void of ideas. At the moment of truth in this hour of truth, ZP has been next to the powerful, boots and other scum. That is the picture of him go down in history.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Inurl:live View/ - Axis

My project [365 days] in a book

Well that's it! After so long, it was time. M and was excited to have the entire project collected more than anything to have him at home, to teach it, remember ... So I took advantage of the benefits the web blurb, for this book. There are 80 pages in total, models for me (as best I could, without really knowing the steps, or as would result from printing and binding, to this internet stuff, you know!) With all the photos my project (yes, 365!) in which you can see my journey and evolution over a year with my Nikon d40.
The truth is that it has been put complicadillo so many photos without me out of hand the number of pages and do not shoot me the price ... So good, in the end I managed to compress all of the most decent I could. I'm pretty happy with the result, to be first is not bad, I say!

XD Here you are a preview of the first 15 pages:
(Shipping takes about 10 days to arrive).

PD: By the way, Happy Spring everyone!

Electric Box Level 31 Iphone

A certain newspapers and television did not hurt them to label clothing with thick strokes the disaster in Japan: on photographs nebula backdrop of the giant chimneys of nuclear power plants affected by the earthquake, the word "Apocalypse" has been repeated ad nauseam. Is it necessary to exaggerate what is already in itself is bad enough and overwhelmed as to need no accretions? The dimension of the tragedy, the extremely violent earthquake, the uncontrollable tidal wave, cold, power outage, the countless victims ...- really forces us to think on the edge of the precipice. But Japanese society itself, with the example of civility and serenity that is taking to tackle the huge risks on the horizon otean teaches us to think in terror made equally by the fury of nature and stupidity of human beings.

And, in the maelstrom of fear, paralyzed even the unpredictable drift of events, it becomes necessary to rebuild a peaceful argument that forces us to confront how we want to live. Because the earthquake in Japan and the nuclear disaster that has followed what we require is that: to put ourselves in the mirror of our society's waste and see how we live and how we live, if we want to leave a livable planet, our children.

The Japanese society was enchanted by technology, modernity, efficiency, efficiency. Japan seemed to have shown that nature is tamed, you can build a world in our image and likeness. The World According to Japan seemed a world capable of controlling the uncontrollable and unpredictable. The gods, fate or simply the tragic reality of reality, we have thrown mercilessly, again, to our being fragile. The earthquake has humbled our pride is not, therefore, to think through the fear of an atomic explosion but to think in the middle the recognition of defeat. There are limits: humans have limits, we can not control and dominate everything, and more than technology and science have made progress unthinkable in many fields, there is always room to escape to our security and our equations, a margin which can get up the dust, the smoke, the tide that breaks the weak without mercy that we are made of glass.

Think defeat means that it is acceptable to assume an energy, a technology that at certain times (those that are not worth the engineering or securities) may intervene in humanity to utter horror. Think so not terrified thinking beings, but simply as limited beings, which is what we really are. Because we can not impose conditions on the nature we can not build hazards beyond our control. This, of course, leads to a new scenario, where we probably will not come: renouncing nuclear energy, we need to rethink what is our own model of life based on the waste of resources and assets. Welfare societies, which have been transformed into companies of waste-can not live without nuclear power, but living with her live with the most terrible threat. And the economic crisis should have beaten our consciences and our ways of life, but has not done. Surely, when Japan no longer on the front pages of newspapers, the nuclear apocalypse will interest until further notice. The problem is that if once and for all not face our limitations and learn to live with them and in them, this induced apocalypse now apocalypse will usher in the end really eaten all we are. Because he plays live as a god dying just like a god.

(IDEAL, March 18, 2011)

Zebra Metal Core Wheels

the cover of Fantastic Four # 40 Jack Kirby's work and Frank Giacoia.

This historic piece you can see the detail in the site .

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Undigested Brown Rice In Stool


All truth is in Camus and we know that today it is necessary neglecting to fight the war. And though no wins offset mutilation of man that war brings, the complicity with injustice, silence about abuse and rape with impunity the life and the desire for FREEDOM, diminishes us as human beings. Today we looked over the balcony of the war. I do not know how, but what is happening in Libya today is fair. Decently fair: "the spirit can do nothing against the sword, but that the spirit sword attached to it used to forever overcome alone." And as always we are faced with a just cause, the first war is against our conscience.
In Back to Rooms Libya doubt and loneliness.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

A Rash That Looks Like Scratches

throwing newspapers on Monday and who does not like things, at least surprising news. Javier Ariztegui, the then Deputy Governor of the Bank of Spain, declared in relation to the financial crisis engulfing the world's economies and especially the English economy, which can not be held liable to the bankers. Is right: the responsibility for what is happening is that families request them drowned for mortgages, to those who are hard workers are sending the unemployment, the unemployed living on the edge. Ultimately, the responsibility should not request them to managers who are paid tens of millions of pesetas a year: the fault lies with those who clean the glass on the branches. To these responsibilities to be missed, but the big fish, not the big fish because the fat cats are irresponsible.

Monday, March 14, 2011

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Each tragedy leaves for memory images of desolation, his body count, with tears, of desperation in the search, its mapping of destruction and despair. But sometimes a small image portrayed as any other events in the middle of hell. That happens with this picture: a photo album on the boardwalk in Toyama, wet, with some photographs taken away by the fury of the sea, but miraculously has not been swallowed by the mud. More than the boats tossed by the waves or the burning houses swept away by the tide and ramming roads or railways, rather than the mortuary landscapes of the infinite expanse of what was destroyed by the tsunami, more than the ghostly appearance of the central barely nuclear burst no more than the entire personification of the play, the simple lyrical point almost a faded photo album and sad, expressing the certainty, the final heart the suffering of millions of Japanese. Because the album is a lifetime, and broken forever, and forever disconnected from their memories and their handles. All that was your landlord is in those black and white photographs, the memories of his family and childhood, the reconstruction of his ancestors and his life, a physical collection, palpable in his personality, what he lived and felt, and perhaps the owner of this photo album has been swallowed by the sea or be crushed by a lot of irons, or may wander the sprawling forces between the human body by moving away terrified of nuclear power plants around, not knowing that somewhere in what was his city, home to their parents and their children, there is a photo album browsed by the salty wind of the disaster, and soon forgotten lost among tons of debris and trash, useless amongst many other remains of as many lives as it has swept away the earthquake. I can only image more powerful than this photo album to explain and understand the drama of Japan: a photograph of a hand, a hand to dig through the rubble to search for loved ones who do not know where he is, or hand firmly grasping the other hand, of a child or an elder, and try to avert the chaos and the abyss. The same hand that can turn the pages of this album before tossing on the flood of loss.

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Women television

ALL WOMEN who see this, please give him to play, and dedicate 20 minutes of your life to reflect this video, which discusses the role of women in television, notably on the TV Italian (extremely sexist, retrograde and dull). But also perfectly possible to extrapolate from our own, especially since note that the rule of Tele 5 (channel even English, Italian policy has) dominates our television.
women is outrageous that we have come this far. What do we fear?

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not even have a window you peek to see the pile of debris which has turned what until two days ago was your monotonous landscape of everyday life, clean streets, full of sun or rain, and now removed from the mapping of your life by the fury of nature, and the whole car replaced by mountains of twisted steel, ship stranded on the black mud and the roofs of houses, pipes spewed by dirt, chips, furniture, windows or doors or televisions, electricity pylons lying on piles of cables that no longer reach any light bulb or any range. But fate has kept you up to the window that will serve as a refuge to contemplate the horror of the world, the incongruity of the creation, fate has left you nothing to tie you, as a castaway in the middle of the end of the world. Because you have lost everything, because in the huge mud and the remains of what was an orderly and civilized world, this world mercilessly crushed by nature, you know it will cost you much to find relatives and friends you've lost and the remnants themselves helping you maintain a strong memory of what they were until the earth shook, the earthquake has swallowed also photographs of your parents or your grandparents, your child's first teeth and her first picture or gift that prepared you for your birthday, remember the day when you marry, your wife's music was arranged in a perfect shelf, your computer, your books, all those little things that only now you know what they were worth and imported. Suddenly you've become someone who breathes and cries and has only a shirt, coat, shoes muddy, dirty pants and much fear and infinite sadness, someone who has been cast from life into nothingness, into the void, someone who has been abandoned in the fear and anger.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

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really do belong to that group of citizens that every day he tries. I really try to fix a minimum confidence in the political caste. Really, I nevertheless believe that we have to reinvent politics for the sake of democracy. That the policy really seems too important to give up rescue citizens from the hands of politicians. I really do not like me be angry with myself or I feel the discomfort caused by politicians. I really try. And really it's impossible. Is there no way to save anyone.

a couple of days ago I was in the newspaper with the news that he had been diagnosed from Madrid in La Paz a rare disease that has caused kidney failure 70% and two strokes. Apparently it is a chronic disease, however, allows the patient to lead a normal life with the sole condition that every two weeks the patient will be injected very specific medication. Yet as the manager of La Paz does not authorize the administration treatment for economic reasons: the medicine is expensive and best left to rot with their disease patient.

few days before we learned that Perez Rubalcaba was admitted to the ICU because he came to the hospital with a urinary tract infection and high fever, and the doctors wanted to have it controlled. Surprising: I know people who have come to the hospital with the same symptoms, have given some medicine and they have sent home, and I suppose that is normal because if everyone who goes to the hospital with the symptoms he was admitted to Rubalcaba ICU ICU would not have enough in Spain to this. But in the case of the Deputy Prime Minister was not spared means: not looked at how much it costs to have a patient in the ICU, at whatever cost he must be there: his health was more important than the poor Spaniard on foot.

I really try. But there's no way.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

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Can prescribe the crimes committed against children? Can they be treated as criminals who attack any who violate the dignity of children? One thing is a rapist and a different one who rapes a child, one thing is a murderer and one who murders a child is not the same thing that an abuser who abused or tortured a child, he who kidnaps a child is not a kidnapper more. Children marks a watershed: whoever enters through a different space, space which is essential without attachments or accessories or speeches to justify it, the territory of what is valuable in itself. The children formed a qualified and higher ethical space within which the site is sheltered only thing that can not be subject to interest or stones. Who plays a slick children without possibility of release or pardon: anyone who harms children practice a higher form of evil that must be considered from other parameters. For the protection of children marks the limit of all rights, where does a right?: Where begin the dignity, life, the integrity of a child.

Children are the only truly sacred exists. His smile, his look, his dream, justify all the hype. Therefore, their tears, their moans, their agonies, beyond any justification and cause those who can not appeal or the compassion or understanding. Free is always the damage it causes to a child. It is always avoidable. Nothing is as repugnant as the eyes of those who offended children, and before it can only be a start, how could be so cold and cruel to the unlimited helplessness that is manifested in a child suffering? Harming a child is causing a pure evil, is to light a impenetrable darkness.

come to light cases of hundreds of children who were stolen from their mothers at birth to be given to other families. Doctors, nurses, priests, nuns, social workers ... all formed a dedicated criminal plot to kidnap and sell children. The prosecution, as always so inclined to take the side of justice and suffering: what an example, is reluctant to investigate these massive attacks against children. If justice is always too slow, when it comes to restoring the rights of children when it comes to punishing those who took it out on their innocence and vulnerability, the slowness becomes complicity. This issue should be a national judicial emergency, but there is long, because after all that pain does not matter: is a shell toga?

is talk of possible prescription of the older cases. And he shows us some of the perpetrators of this atrocity and to move to pity: doctors and nuns laden years with no hint of regret, but is it really possible here to repentance? In this crime can not fit or prescription or commiseration: the crimes committed against children are perpetuated over time and pursue those who commit them to the edge of the grave. Whoever commits a crime against a child is a criminal while living, beyond what they say the laws and codes. In these cases fit only the trial and imprisonment: there are too many lives cut short. Too much suffering and too many lies. Too many children who grow up without their parents. Too much money which circulated among the cots of the maternity, from families either ecclesiastical or medical bills over the desperation of the mothers that their children were stolen. Too vacuum to fill with legal compromises forget justice, that justice when it comes to children can only be based in the depths of human consciousness.

(IDEAL, March 10, 2011)

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Fun Ways To Wank In The House

Exhibition "X-Men: Deadly Genesis # 1, the process of creating a comic book by Trevor Hairsine Hall of Granada 2011.

Tomorrow opens to the public 2011 Granada Room XVI with a number of interesting exhibitions for anyone in general, but especially for fans of the originals.

The list of exhibits you can see the official site Hall, here . About

I'm going to talk in this entry is "X-Men: Deadly Genesis # 1, the process of creating a comic book .
without graphic elements of the 2 nd edition of X-Men: Deadly Genesis # 1 .
The idea is to show the steps in the creation of each page with the working system Trevor Hairsine.

Therefore, in the exhibition can be seen on every page Ed Brubaker script (A4-A5, reproduction), sketches of Hairsine (A4, reproduction), the finished drawing (A3, original), the inking Kris Justice (A3, original) and the page and colored and labeled (A4, reproduction).

Manuscripts come from my collection, and you can see all of the first number here, as pencil and ink. The script has kindly sent Ed Brubaker with the invaluable help of Trevor, who also has given me the scans of the sketches.

It was a shame because it was about to Hairsine could come to Granada, but the final deadlines series that is drawing now, Deus Ex, has not allowed it.

The exhibition will take place in the main hall so you will not have that equipment moves to another point of Granada.

Next month Panini limited reissue the entire series X-Men: Deadly Genesis in a volume called X-Men: Deadly Genesis within the Marvel Deluxe coleción .

initial proposal, pencils, ink finishes and recreation.

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The weather has conspired with the commemoration. Day of ash. Gray day. The ash is a symbol, but not created: symbol of finitude, of what awaits us all. The belief, the act of faith is not the ash before it is caused by it: ash as a point of arrival or departure point ash. I like to think it is a starting point and that we all keep within a kind of phoenix, the uncertain promise of a resurrection. That hope is in the poem of José Angel Valente:

There is a remote light, however,
and I know I'm not alone;
even after all and therefore no
not a single thought can
against death,
am not alone.
No promises another life, certainly, but we are comforted in the knowledge of love that accompanies the loneliness of this life:

I play this hand
finally sharing my life
and she confirmed
and touch as love,
raised him to heaven
and even if I proclaim ash: ash.
The ash, after all, is a tremendous realism. Nothing can hide behind its simplicity, its nudity, in the ash, the art-life-has been reduced to mere skeleton. Point of departure or arrival point we have no choice but to build a hope from the ashes. For all that love is gray dust particles will eventually be reduced by the fire of time. The greater hope is hoped that the fire of love the wind redeem and breakdown, a flame or burning bright and regroup unlimited anime ash and again.

Although ash is all I have so far
soon as I have tended to hope so.
No matter what the ash is the point of departure or arrival point, rebirth or annihilation. The important thing is that calls for a rebellion: believe, love, love, hope, albeit from the precondition that all is ashes.

(The gray days and rain leads us to ourselves. May infect us the sadness of the evening, but the sadness is that helps them grow.)

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

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Original color guide and the cover of Comics Journal No. 116 work of Dave Gibbons. Original Part

The cover of Comic Journal No 116 (July 1987) I always thought it was very original and nice, and has given happen to be one of the few magazines I have on hand information. The issue contains a couple of interviews Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons on Watchmen .

The original cover was auctioned in May ComickLink .


chance that this issue reports on the dismissal of Jim Shooter , the return of the original Jack Kirby by Marvel includes a compact version of the contract that the authors had to sign to have them returned , and Neal Adams says received them without signing.

As a key chapter in the history of Marvel , I have scanned the pages where it says. Click to enlarge.


very important chapter in the history of Marvel ESTs are being developed now, and it is the opinion among the heirs of Jack Kirby and Marvel .

blog The 20th Century Danny Boy is publishing excerpts from the transcripts of key testimony in this trial, like those of Stan Lee himself , Roy Thomas and Mark Evanier . The blog

Dynamics Kirby, Rob Steibel analyzes the comments Stan Lee on the creation of Thor and participation Kirby it.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Lump On A Dogs Breast Bone


Article essential to Irene Lozano today in El Pais. entitled Politicians surplus, offers an interesting reflection on the situation of English democracy and the necessary points mass civilian uprising to demand the devolution of power that the parties remain sequestered from the Transition. Although I recommend reading in full (especially for those that journalist called "the most honest of our representatives" What do they expect to lead the civic rebellion against the leadership of the party?), Because I think it invites you to take seriously we have to play role in elections to come, I leave here the paragraphs that I have been most interesting.

"Zapatero said When budget constraints stating:" I know what I have to do. And I'm gonna do ", his words resonate as the diligent steward who is preparing to shine the silver. But I never saw a suit of livery, we are entitled to think that demand and therefore require ."
" English civil society, weakened by 40 years of dictatorship, democracy has strengthened, inter alia because the party structure has been supplanted. These clubs frequented undemocratic and subservient careerists more idealistic than the common good, have imposed their partisan view of reality. Turned into machinery to win elections and voters themselves competing for the meager quota-leaning centrist -balance, thrown face each other corruption scandals damaging the image of another. Do not perceive that, when frames rotting reach a certain complexity, people tend to retain a single idea: politics is the rule of thievery and impunity. The logical corollary of this deception is to refrain and answer the pollster CIS that the third problem of the country are the politicians . "
" now formulate a few questions: if politicians are to blame for their ills exclusive why do people receive the punishment of suffering? Why blame and punishment do not follow parallel paths? The answer is in Valencia, where the idea of \u200b\u200bwidespread interest student Fabra outdone, Francisco Camps, that the polls give a spotless criminal record certificate the most votes. Against this perversion have a defensive weapon: just do not vote for them. Thus, guilt and sorrow again walking hand in hand: are the bad politicians who are punished, not us . "
" The inescapable link between representatives and represented committed voters. Not only must we choose to doubt, we must also remember that the inhibition against the galloping deterioration of public life has consequences. Here, everyone laughs when someone quoted Franco famously "do you like me, do not get into politics," but all follow the advice of the dictator. I believe that healthy democracies are those in which citizens provide, not a right but as a civic duty, to devote some years of his life to politics . "
" (...) English is the case apart. His anger is rising while sitting through the centuries. If anything, gets up to call a station and rage against the politicians, giving us the unusual image of the demos against democracy. Because let's not forget that, in parliamentary regimes, "politics" and "democracy" are almost synonymous: the deterioration of the first equals the second . "

Sunday, March 6, 2011

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SEBA 'IS SEUR "whitewashed tombs

Seba 'the Seur" (this person that appears in the photo blog stolen from the First Quartet) belongs to this group of healthy living carnival lovers this holiday with the sole intention of enjoying healthy. Thanks to people like Sheba or copy or Johnny Barranco or groups like that are my wife and her friends, one that is very very very little love of carnival, party with friends in this event and understand a part of a long and thankless work these days carry any sense.

Seba 'the Seur "This year has been proclaimed in charge of the Carnival of Ubeda. Unpretentious lyrics, the proclamation of Sheba, last Thursday, was crystal clear and so necessary. I do not know if it was meant to be what eventually became: a vindication of the carnival on the street, street, people having fun without thinking of contests, without claiming that the City will have a contest and a carnival to suit them and victory in Úbeda (of course if you do not win get angry and more upset if they win those outside, those who they say they want to come to "magnify Úbeda Carnival ") and walk through many villages as treasurer. Seba belongs to a group of carnival carnival that does not account or calculation, and it was good to defend these pawns of disguise, so different in their interests and enjoyment of "the cream" of the carnival, the carnival of first division. Carnival of pata negra (paladins and carnival zealots who do not hesitate to judge and condemn the council's work in this area provided they do not accommodate their interests) which, interestingly, are the same who have refused to give any support to Seba to their cry.

After so many years supporting comments against work we do at City Hall by many groups (not all are well, it's true: there are sensible, reasonable and know how to compete and have fun and not looking to make money in all the contests that are organized in 300 km around, and I think now, for example, the female troupe Elena Gámez or Poveda joke), I acknowledge that I cry Seba has arranged with the carnival of Úbeda, at least with that carnival humble, generous, not seeking bullae, which respects others, there is little smug, that carnival in which I recognize my wife and carnival group that Seba has represented perfection.

Well that Seba: Congratulations and thank you, thank you very much a staunch no carnival. And I say congratulations and heartfelt thanks, not as many grupistas what you have said while thinking that I hope you dehorning for having sung the forties.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Clever Things To Write On Cds

The electronic comic pie ...

Entrialgo Mauro Small talk, very interesting about the comic book industry and the entry of digital media to it.

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The barbarism perpetrated by Gaddafi in Libya demonstrates how easy it is to the words "the great European words, our vain rhetoric, go for a side and made another. How many times we consider 'historical' not respond to the strange confluence between words and deeds, between the preaching and giving wheat? It also happens, of course, that we are too prone to judge the attitude of our politicians, as if these were not the image of ourselves back mirror of the collective. Why is it so cheap for European leaders talk about democracy, all those great values \u200b\u200bconstructed by men who were better, more honest, more courageous, less calculating than we are, while only think of oil wells in Libya and care three amaranth that thousands of innocents are being killed by gangs of thugs? Just because we ourselves every day we practice this double standard pompous speech that does not correspond to what we do. I like to think that there is an ethic of public and civil imposed exceeds the hypocrisy of the Victorian morality or the moral Counter Catholicism. Not so: many of us who preach but very few of them wheat.

think in a case that has come to light thanks to some recordings that show how easy it is considered good and bad practice. History, but hides a very large amount of suffering, it is easy to tell: a man who works as a teacher at a religious school is accused of serious crimes, which can cost several years' imprisonment; when after many years of judicial ordeal is acquitted, the nun who runs the school dedicated a bunch of nice words and puts it out on the street to avoid "what people say." Bleached perfectly free from sin, that nun threw the first stone on the back of an innocent. Pure and owner of absolute truth, judge without mercy.

Obviously the divorce between what is said to believe and what actually is practiced, the more outrageous is the higher are the values \u200b\u200bto which it appeals. One morning you can read the Gospel of Jesus, swollen with love to the suffering, compassion for the outcast, and that minutes after not to shake the pulse to commit an indecent injustice, can not only cause scandal. As much as the attitude of European leaders to contemplate unmoved the crimes committed in Libya. What if the story was something deeper than the deceptions of the great, that their double-sided and double games? What if it were true that the history we make each of us when we cause pain and swift we go to wash our conscience? What if the story was nothing more than what consenting our betrayals, our hypocrisies, our silences, our complicity?

had to write this article, it seems a sham to come here to criticize paralysis of the European Union (all caught by surprise crisis and is always waiting to see what they decide the U.S.) and the double standard that prevents end once the life of Gaddafi to end the suffering of the people libio-Nuremberg ethics is still relevant, "keeping silent about the suffering he caused to the teacher, the man innocent. Do not be proud, no article is going to change the world for criticizing the powerful, the powerful because our items are slipping. But we can help expose those hypocrites who play with goodness as daggers pierce the back. Not worth reporting the great evil if ducked his head before the evils that surround us. Those, at least, can we expose, reveal and help us to know what moral teach our children according to sites.

(IDEAL, March 3, 2011)

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Katydid Candy For Sale

drawn by Miller on the cover of 'Mazing Man # 12. UPDATED! Original

David Mandel updates its CAF gallery with a piece that, although historically, been a long unnoticed. This is the cover of 'Mazing Man No. 12 (1986), and what is special is that Frank Miller collaborated on it with an excellent picture of Batman as he Batman : The Dark Knight .

Below is the complete cover from the blog PencilInk .

UPDATE 4/3/2011: Gerry Turnbull has colored illustration Miller for art's sake ...