Sunday, March 6, 2011

Gay Cruising In Mobile Al

SEBA 'IS SEUR "whitewashed tombs

Seba 'the Seur" (this person that appears in the photo blog stolen from the First Quartet) belongs to this group of healthy living carnival lovers this holiday with the sole intention of enjoying healthy. Thanks to people like Sheba or copy or Johnny Barranco or groups like that are my wife and her friends, one that is very very very little love of carnival, party with friends in this event and understand a part of a long and thankless work these days carry any sense.

Seba 'the Seur "This year has been proclaimed in charge of the Carnival of Ubeda. Unpretentious lyrics, the proclamation of Sheba, last Thursday, was crystal clear and so necessary. I do not know if it was meant to be what eventually became: a vindication of the carnival on the street, street, people having fun without thinking of contests, without claiming that the City will have a contest and a carnival to suit them and victory in Úbeda (of course if you do not win get angry and more upset if they win those outside, those who they say they want to come to "magnify Úbeda Carnival ") and walk through many villages as treasurer. Seba belongs to a group of carnival carnival that does not account or calculation, and it was good to defend these pawns of disguise, so different in their interests and enjoyment of "the cream" of the carnival, the carnival of first division. Carnival of pata negra (paladins and carnival zealots who do not hesitate to judge and condemn the council's work in this area provided they do not accommodate their interests) which, interestingly, are the same who have refused to give any support to Seba to their cry.

After so many years supporting comments against work we do at City Hall by many groups (not all are well, it's true: there are sensible, reasonable and know how to compete and have fun and not looking to make money in all the contests that are organized in 300 km around, and I think now, for example, the female troupe Elena Gámez or Poveda joke), I acknowledge that I cry Seba has arranged with the carnival of Úbeda, at least with that carnival humble, generous, not seeking bullae, which respects others, there is little smug, that carnival in which I recognize my wife and carnival group that Seba has represented perfection.

Well that Seba: Congratulations and thank you, thank you very much a staunch no carnival. And I say congratulations and heartfelt thanks, not as many grupistas what you have said while thinking that I hope you dehorning for having sung the forties.


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