really do belong to that group of citizens that every day he tries. I really try to fix a minimum confidence in the political caste. Really, I nevertheless believe that we have to reinvent politics for the sake of democracy. That the policy really seems too important to give up rescue citizens from the hands of politicians. I really do not like me be angry with myself or I feel the discomfort caused by politicians. I really try. And really it's impossible. Is there no way to save anyone.
a couple of days ago I was in the newspaper with the news that he had been diagnosed from Madrid in La Paz a rare disease that has caused kidney failure 70% and two strokes. Apparently it is a chronic disease, however, allows the patient to lead a normal life with the sole condition that every two weeks the patient will be injected very specific medication. Yet as the manager of La Paz does not authorize the administration treatment for economic reasons: the medicine is expensive and best left to rot with their disease patient.
few days before we learned that Perez Rubalcaba was admitted to the ICU because he came to the hospital with a urinary tract infection and high fever, and the doctors wanted to have it controlled. Surprising: I know people who have come to the hospital with the same symptoms, have given some medicine and they have sent home, and I suppose that is normal because if everyone who goes to the hospital with the symptoms he was admitted to Rubalcaba ICU ICU would not have enough in Spain to this. But in the case of the Deputy Prime Minister was not spared means: not looked at how much it costs to have a patient in the ICU, at whatever cost he must be there: his health was more important than the poor Spaniard on foot.
I really try. But there's no way.
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