Suddenly he discovers the power that an invention as a blog has to cause harm in people: it might be good to count to ten before writing something. Suddenly he discovers that way can damage an anonymous, covered in cowardice, maintains the fiction be another charge against which some comments: cowardice cowardice and expands only creates evil: lesson learned. Suddenly I find that (apart from deleting a few comments and one entry) do not know what to do or say in this blog before the lesson from someone who'll have to change my opinion.
I received this comment:
" a lot of time ago, as a result of a search for a mine Hjo do not know what a few photos I wanted to see if they were at the network, I warned you in the comment that you told me a misunderstanding. For me was painful and I thought, at the time, even cowardly, but hurt the comments lie if it denied the insinuations, the neologisms that I spent in a display of ingenuity not made me change my perception of people to whom I always refer to as the land they chose to make it mine: here I raised my kids and it would be ungrateful not to love, here I have my friends, few double ones.I've also asked the author of the blog, which I am interested because, certainly, "and I have my opinions, I have not written after anonymous. But today I ask why the ghost behind my evocais-I know it Cernuda, I'm a pedantic no one is concerned, the reality of me. It's overwhelming to read opinions that obviously do not subscribe on me, people that I have not had a coffee in my life.No, I've never written in your blog, I look forward to reading your opinions like all the others I find, I would not have to come back to me anonymous caricatured by others, some using proximity and comments reveal that you are acogidospor. Idlesay I do not recognize in this turgid and despicable character retratais few. As regards to you today I loved, hurt, contact you for a coffee and do what I probably should have done long ago, talk, meet and forgive his case. I hope you move tab and in the meantime I think you ought to keep a blog like yours was anonymous grass or insult you do with others. GreetingsMiguel Cidraque "
who is capable of this can not be how I thought it was. Not even know if it's enough to publicly apologize, and I would like all this input is the how to take it: as a public apology as an apology. I wish that right now, the land will swallow me and this blog. The tab is moved, so far, in a blog, you can move. But I fear that is not enough.
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