Article essential to Irene Lozano today in El Pais. entitled Politicians surplus, offers an interesting reflection on the situation of English democracy and the necessary points mass civilian uprising to demand the devolution of power that the parties remain sequestered from the Transition. Although I recommend reading in full (especially for those that journalist called "the most honest of our representatives" What do they expect to lead the civic rebellion against the leadership of the party?), Because I think it invites you to take seriously we have to play role in elections to come, I leave here the paragraphs that I have been most interesting.
"Zapatero said When budget constraints stating:" I know what I have to do. And I'm gonna do ", his words resonate as the diligent steward who is preparing to shine the silver. But I never saw a suit of livery, we are entitled to think that demand and therefore require ."
" English civil society, weakened by 40 years of dictatorship, democracy has strengthened, inter alia because the party structure has been supplanted. These clubs frequented undemocratic and subservient careerists more idealistic than the common good, have imposed their partisan view of reality. Turned into machinery to win elections and voters themselves competing for the meager quota-leaning centrist -balance, thrown face each other corruption scandals damaging the image of another. Do not perceive that, when frames rotting reach a certain complexity, people tend to retain a single idea: politics is the rule of thievery and impunity. The logical corollary of this deception is to refrain and answer the pollster CIS that the third problem of the country are the politicians . "
" now formulate a few questions: if politicians are to blame for their ills exclusive why do people receive the punishment of suffering? Why blame and punishment do not follow parallel paths? The answer is in Valencia, where the idea of \u200b\u200bwidespread interest student Fabra outdone, Francisco Camps, that the polls give a spotless criminal record certificate the most votes. Against this perversion have a defensive weapon: just do not vote for them. Thus, guilt and sorrow again walking hand in hand: are the bad politicians who are punished, not us . "
" The inescapable link between representatives and represented committed voters. Not only must we choose to doubt, we must also remember that the inhibition against the galloping deterioration of public life has consequences. Here, everyone laughs when someone quoted Franco famously "do you like me, do not get into politics," but all follow the advice of the dictator. I believe that healthy democracies are those in which citizens provide, not a right but as a civic duty, to devote some years of his life to politics . "
" (...) English is the case apart. His anger is rising while sitting through the centuries. If anything, gets up to call a station and rage against the politicians, giving us the unusual image of the demos against democracy. Because let's not forget that, in parliamentary regimes, "politics" and "democracy" are almost synonymous: the deterioration of the first equals the second . "
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