Friday, March 4, 2011

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The barbarism perpetrated by Gaddafi in Libya demonstrates how easy it is to the words "the great European words, our vain rhetoric, go for a side and made another. How many times we consider 'historical' not respond to the strange confluence between words and deeds, between the preaching and giving wheat? It also happens, of course, that we are too prone to judge the attitude of our politicians, as if these were not the image of ourselves back mirror of the collective. Why is it so cheap for European leaders talk about democracy, all those great values \u200b\u200bconstructed by men who were better, more honest, more courageous, less calculating than we are, while only think of oil wells in Libya and care three amaranth that thousands of innocents are being killed by gangs of thugs? Just because we ourselves every day we practice this double standard pompous speech that does not correspond to what we do. I like to think that there is an ethic of public and civil imposed exceeds the hypocrisy of the Victorian morality or the moral Counter Catholicism. Not so: many of us who preach but very few of them wheat.

think in a case that has come to light thanks to some recordings that show how easy it is considered good and bad practice. History, but hides a very large amount of suffering, it is easy to tell: a man who works as a teacher at a religious school is accused of serious crimes, which can cost several years' imprisonment; when after many years of judicial ordeal is acquitted, the nun who runs the school dedicated a bunch of nice words and puts it out on the street to avoid "what people say." Bleached perfectly free from sin, that nun threw the first stone on the back of an innocent. Pure and owner of absolute truth, judge without mercy.

Obviously the divorce between what is said to believe and what actually is practiced, the more outrageous is the higher are the values \u200b\u200bto which it appeals. One morning you can read the Gospel of Jesus, swollen with love to the suffering, compassion for the outcast, and that minutes after not to shake the pulse to commit an indecent injustice, can not only cause scandal. As much as the attitude of European leaders to contemplate unmoved the crimes committed in Libya. What if the story was something deeper than the deceptions of the great, that their double-sided and double games? What if it were true that the history we make each of us when we cause pain and swift we go to wash our conscience? What if the story was nothing more than what consenting our betrayals, our hypocrisies, our silences, our complicity?

had to write this article, it seems a sham to come here to criticize paralysis of the European Union (all caught by surprise crisis and is always waiting to see what they decide the U.S.) and the double standard that prevents end once the life of Gaddafi to end the suffering of the people libio-Nuremberg ethics is still relevant, "keeping silent about the suffering he caused to the teacher, the man innocent. Do not be proud, no article is going to change the world for criticizing the powerful, the powerful because our items are slipping. But we can help expose those hypocrites who play with goodness as daggers pierce the back. Not worth reporting the great evil if ducked his head before the evils that surround us. Those, at least, can we expose, reveal and help us to know what moral teach our children according to sites.

(IDEAL, March 3, 2011)


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