now in the Arab world seems to curdle a longing of freedom and democracy, justice, sooner or later the people redemptive be renewed for their own benefit, I remember the devastating words William of Baskerville addresses his disciple Adso of Melk when this raises the possibility of a better world. Adso, that could well be a metaphor for all young Arabs now fight for the future in the streets, hear the following:
" And if you're looking for a hope of justice, I will say that someday, to make peace, big dogs, the pope and the emperor, will over the body of the smaller dogs that have been fighting on behalf . "
is also true that this vicious circle of redemption story could perhaps be taken if these other words of the protagonist of The Name of the Rose :
" Huye, Adso, the prophets and those who are willing to die for the truth, because they often also cause the death of many other , often before their own, and sometimes instead of their own . "
" The prophets and those who are willing to die for the truth ": the owners of the truth, pure, no doubt. The same calculations are now in their offices located throughout the world, in their mosques, they will gain at the sacrifice of young Arabs, the owners of purity, which no stain. In dangerous Purity Bernard-Henri Levy says they are the bodies that have littered the gutters of history and their cells crying out in pain: the distrust of all power is the most complete freedom to build an uncertain because the search for purity has always been the way of horror. If that young Arabs consolidate itself distrust politicians dressed bearded clerics could perhaps hope to escape justice and the promises of the owners of the truth, to build a justice and truth.
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