How do you sum, thirty-odd years away, what was and meant the English political transition? It is now fashionable to despise that period, considering who made a pact warm arrival of democracy after more than forty years of revolution, civil war and dictatorship. And yet, his generous gesture of bridging the "two Spains", its ability to overcome old grudges understanding and realism to make real what was possible, remain valid arguments when it comes to finding a solution to the current situation in the country. What the Constitution corner stone of the Transition, contains large odd jobs and the need to address their reform to stabilize definitely structural elements such as the territorial organization of the state? Who denies it? But is this spirit of reform that the Constitution contains, this desire for improvement, adding that calling wills and opinions, which should guide us if we stop the despair and apathy that we bled.
I am convinced that the transition was made what could be done, it probably should have been done. To include more areas needed to be maintained diffuse gray spaces. Over thirty years later, no sense no permanent lighting levels and not address the pending resolution. Undertake the transfer of power in favor of citizenship is one of the outstanding democratic tasks. Let me explain.
Overall, the transition can be explained as a transfer of political power from the army, the Church and the party of the Franco dictatorship to democratic parties. In such a sensitive time like this, where so many tensions threaten the restoration of civil liberties and fundamental rights, strengthen and protect the parties that political pluralism was a precondition for consolidating the democratic adventure. That explains why public subsidies to parties, an electoral law that wasted thousands of votes from a national secondary parties or closed lists. But much time has passed measures that adopted a newborn democracy and incubators and can not reasonably maintain. It is necessary to address a second and final transition: the need to transfer to citizens English retaining political power games. Otherwise, continue to consenting parties and manage to retain that authority at will, the real decision-making power belongs to citizens, involves curtailing the basics of English democracy. We see it every day: the discrediting of politics, contempt for the public or the possibility that abstention exceed all possible calculations shows that the English have had enough of their votes is not really anything and tired of having to others swallow a ready cooked and prepared not according to the interests of society but of their own particular uses.
I think now that begins to know the composition of some electoral lists. No shortage of names of people who can hardly be passed if not from the more blind sectarianism. What right do the parties to decide what will be the council? As citizens we have matured a lot: we have mature skepticism, disillusionment, disappointment, terrible blows of the crisis. And since the majority of citizens we must demand our right to choose, freely and without the brace stupid and selfish of the parties, who want to represent us and whom we hold it accountable for its management.
(IDEAL, 24 February 2011)
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