How resemble the speeches of all the dictators of all time. It seems that a manual would know and they learn the language rabid, such appeals murder defenseless population, thus always equal to fill the streets with thugs who knock on the doors of homes to frighten children, raping women and killing men.
But how it looks like also the attitude of the "civilized world", as repeated acts of cowardice and silence and complicity, as passed on through history the same fears to face reality before reality facing us.
How resemble those photos of Chamberlain to Hitler or Franco Eisenhower to photos circulating on the Internet and Gadhafi spoke amicably with Sarkozy Aznar and Zapatero.
And how amazing this cynicism our own, able to relativize all but the lives of tyrants, like the Mariana or the Nuremberg tribunal had never existed or as if its not ethical arguments remain valid for tyrants today.
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